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Things you need to know about H7N9
Things you need to know about H7N9

  • Are Chinese products safe?
  • There is no evidence to link the current cases with any Chinese products.
  • Is it safe to travel to China?
  • WHO does not advise the application of any travel measures with respect to visitors to China nor to persons leaving China.

H7N9 Update

What are the main symptoms of human infection with H7N9?

Severe pneumonia. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.

How to prevent from H7N9?

It is prudent to follow basic hygienic practices, including hand and respiratory hygiene and food safety measures.

Is it safe to eat meat, i.e. poultry and pork products?

H7N9 viruses are not transmitted through well-cooked food. Diseased animals and animals that have died of diseases should not be eaten.

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