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English>>Foreign Affairs

Should China continue to pursue the principle of non-interference? (2)

(People's Daily Online)

08:21, November 05, 2012

The most typical circumstance is the Kosovo War started by the United States and the NATO at the end of last century. Another one is the "color revolutions" launched in Central Asia and many other places in the first decade of this century, although they were seldom successful.

The Libyan War was also a typical example. Under the name to "protect civilians", it actually resulted in a large number of casualties.

Now, the United States wants to play its same old trick on Syria, by attempting to pursue the policies of "new interventionism" and "regime change" once again.

In this case, China used its power of veto in the resolutions on interference in internal affairs and thus showed its respect to the Principles of the United Nations Charter, and its positive deeds under the new situation.

Read the Chinese version: 中國外交的變與不變(上):“不干涉內政”還要不要?; Source: Jiefang Daily; Author: Wang Yusheng

【1】 【2】

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jim dandy at 2012-11-1124.69.183.*
start making sense not theories based on conjecture fallacies and b.s. lol

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