>GDPdatagivesA-sharesaboost>>HongKong" />
Key Words: investment; delist; IPO
Related Reading:
>> GDP data gives A-shares a boost
>> Hong Kong sets up economic development commission
1. Diversify types of investment and investment products
The regulator will improve rules on companies' credit bonds, innovate new types of credit bonds, and expand the pilot of a Beijing-based national share transfer system for non-listed small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
2. Reform issuance of new shares and delisting mechanisms
The regulator will improve regulations on IPOs and the pricing system for new shares, as well as the delisting mechanism. It will strictly carry out examinations of IPO appli-cants and their listing sponsors and account-ing partners.
3. Grant IPO reviews to companies with strong profit potential and solid business performance
Strict sanctions will apply to any enter-prises, listing sponsors or accounting partners that manipulate their profit data or fake their balance sheets in order to get listed.
4. Improve the current regulations on futures to boost the real economy
The regulator will strictly execute regula-tions on futures trading and modify related rules.
5. Cultivate institutional investors
The regulator will cultivate insti-tutional investors such as equity investment funds and investment management compa-nies. Foreign pension funds, charity funds and sovereign-wealth funds will be encour-aged to invest in the domestic stock market.
This is the most real, most helpless and most motivate life expense of Beijing!